About the Program

What degree is offered after completion of the program?

A doctor of audiology (AuD) degree.

How long is the program?

The program is a three-year, nine-semester accelerated program for full-time students.

Cost and Financial Aid

How much does it cost to attend Pacific's audiology program?

Visit the AuD tuition and fees page.

What kind of financial aid is available?

Financial aid packages at Pacific are tailored to each individual's qualifications and program of study. Therefore, no specific information can be given regarding financial aid until a student has been admitted to a program and has accepted admission to a program. For answers to specific financial aid questions, contact the Office of Financial Aid at or sf_finaid@gt5cheats.com or 415.749.3341, and visit our financial aid calculator page.

Do you offer teaching assistantships or graduate assistantships?

At the present time the department does not offer teaching/graduate assistantships.

Applying to the Program

How many students do you accept?

The AuD program anticipates admitting 20 to 25 students each fall.

What is required to apply to the program?

Review the Admissions Process page for a list of the items required to apply. 

Is it possible for me to come and see the campus and talk with an advisor?

Our department offers monthly information sessions to help answer prospective student questions and tour our department/clinic. Visit the Events page to view the available dates and sign up for an upcoming session. If you have individual questions, contact the department at pacificaud@gt5cheats.com.

Do you offer admission in the spring semester?

No. Due to the prescriptive nature of our program, we only admit students to begin the program in the fall.

Do I need to submit official transcripts to CSDCAS and Pacific when I apply?

During the application process, you only need to submit official transcripts to CSDCAS. If you are admitted to Pacific, we will contact you to request official transcripts.

What prerequisite courses are necessary?

You must have a bachelor's degree before you can enter our graduate program. The following prerequisites courses are required to be completed or in progress before the application deadline. 

  • One Biological or Physical Sciences Course: General Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or Human Anatomy and Physiology,
  • One Mathematics Course: Statistics, Calculus, Pre-Calculus

Is the audiology program accredited?

The doctor of audiology program at University of the Pacific is fully accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA) of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and a ten-year accreditation status by the Accreditation Commission for Audiology Education (ACAE).

CSDCAS Application

Where do I go to access the CSDCAS application?

The CSDCAS application can be accessed at csdcas.liaisoncas.com

What if my recommender DOES NOT want to fill out his/her letter of recommendation online?

CSDCAS requires that all letters of recommendation be completed online. If your recommender does not want to complete the recommendation online, unfortunately you will need to find another recommender. DO NOT use the recommendation forms that can be found on the University's webpage. The University recommendation forms WILL NOT be accepted by CSDCAS or the department.

What status does my CSDCAS application need to be in to meet your application deadline?

In order to meet our application deadline, your application needs to be marked as "VERIFIED" by the application deadline. If you check on your application and you are at an "On Hold" or "Undelivered" status, please contact CSDCAS regarding the status of your application at 617.612.2030.


What is the minimum GPA required to apply to Pacific's AuD program?

The minimum GPA required to apply is a 3.0. It is anticipated that the average GPA of students admitted for the Fall will be 3.5 or above.

I have a graduate degree. When I calculate my overall GPA, should I include my graduate course grades?

Yes. Your overall GPA calculation will include post baccalaureate coursework.

I have taken courses on a semester system and on a quarter system. How do I convert from semester credits to quarter credits so that I might calculate my GPA?

A 3-semester unit course is the equivalent of a 4.5 quarter unit course.

  • To convert from quarter to semester units, multiply quarter units by .67
  • To convert from semester to quarter units, multiply semester units by 1.5


Are GRE exam scores required for application?

No, GRE score submission is optional at this time. They are not required for submission.

Admission Process

When will I find out if I was admitted?

Applications and admissions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. We evaluate applications as they are received and will continue to evaluate applications until all the slots for the incoming class have been filled.

If admitted to the program, when will I need to make my decision?

The "Confirmation Deadline" is the date by which we need to receive a response from you regarding your admission decision. Individual confirmation deadlines are given based on your admission date. You will be notified of your confirmation date at the time of admission and will not be able to enroll in classes until you confirm your admission. 

What happens if I'm placed on the waiting list?

If you meet the admission requirements, but we have already accepted the number of applicants it has room for, you may be placed on our waiting list. You will be notified of your waiting list status by April 1. We will send admissions notices to you as spaces become available. 

If you have any additional questions regarding the application process or about other aspects of the graduate program in audiology at Pacific, please contact the Department Chair's office at pacificaud@gt5cheats.com.